• I’m in UR Widgets, Reading UR Tweets!

Oh, Dear God…I Was Wrong About the Kinect: An Ode to Child of Eden

I don’t expect that if you’re reading this you’ve read anything else I’ve written.  Assuming that, it would be easy to just pretend like I’ve always loved the Kinect.  That, however, would be a damn dirty lie.  Truth is, I really didn’t think the Kinect would go anywhere.  Boy howdy was I wrong.  I love it.  And, there’s one game that makes the Kinect the best innovation in gaming since the analog stick…Click inside to find out more. Continue reading

Honestly, I’m Not Trying to Beat a Dead Horse, Here…

I was perfectly content to let my previous thoughts on the Kinect stand on their own, and move on to more positive pastures; however, Kotaku had to go and push the issue, and they dug up some very interesting information.

Turns out, you can’t play the Kinect while sitting.

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Kinect Fails to Connect

Microsoft unveiled their Kinect (previously known as Project Natal) device on Sunday, a full day before the official launch of E3. No doubt this was done in an effort to set the stage for the announcement of their 2010-11 games that will use the technology.

Kinect — and Sony’s Move — are obviously golden ring grabs at the motion controlling frenzy Nintendo kick-started almost 5 years ago. Yes, it took Microsoft and Sony 5 years to finally swallow their pride (and disparaging comments) and admit that motion controllers did have a place in the gaming circuit.

I own all 3 major consoles, and play each equally (recently racking up time on Mass Effect, Ratchet and Clank, Fallout3, and Uncharted — can you tell I’m a father? My current games are at least 2 years old!); however, I spend a lot of time with the Wii and DS, mostly because I have a 6 year old who loves to play video games, and those are the consoles that constantly churn out quality, family-friendly (not kiddie!) games that we can all play — and, yes, a fair amount of shovelware that I have to dissuade my son from asking for (i.e. anything Scooby Doo, Spongebob, Ben10, and Nintendog clones).

Read more for my thoughts on Microsoft’s ability to foster the same feeling of trust and consistency in a new Blue Ocean market

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